Saturday, January 25, 2020

Rights of Old People in New Zealand

Rights of Old People in New Zealand Nirpreet Kaur Brar ABSTRACT The main purpose of the report is to tell about the rights of the old people with common geriatric health conditions. It tells about the needs of the individuals and how they can meet with them. It also describes the codes of the practice and standards related to common geriatric health conditions for example Dementia etcetera. INTRODUCTION All the countries are facing the problems with elderly related to geriatric health conditions. In New Zealand ageing population placing an increased demand of support services. DHB’s have a need to provide the services for the older people in which they are treated so that they can make the best use of staff and high cost facilities. To provide good services to the old people it requires all the services and practitioners who are working with the old people should have holistic and client centred approach and also should have the understanding about the work. THE TASK Question 1 Critically review and discuss the principles involved in the person-centred approach to dementia and other common geriatric health condition’s care, with respect to the following: ANSWER: (1) Individuality: Culture change is a very long-term effort. It starts when analysing individual, team or organisation practice for identifying areas which requires development. About individual assumptions should never be made. They should never have to be fit in with you or your employer. Individuals should be supported and allowed for make their own choices. For every individual support and care needs should be tailored. This shows respect by preserving the individual’s dignity and individuality. Their personal beliefs should be respected. (2) Independence: You should allow the individuals to whom you are supporting to do things for themselves. You should take time to enable the individuals you are supporting to be independent. Don’t do things for them because it is quicker. Support them for doing things that they can do or almost they do because independence makes the people feel in control of their lives and gives them a sense of self-worth. (3) Privacy: you should understand the needs of the client related to privacy and support them in a way you work. (4) Choice: Every individual to whom you support and give care should allow making their own choices. They should be given information so that they can make choices. (5) Dignity: Dignity is that when we respected then what we feel that is important in society and in their lives. When individuals are eating, shopping, sleeping they should be dignified. The support workers should help them to do so. (6) Respect: You should support an individual in a way in which they are comfortable and what they believe is important related to their age, culture, sexuality etcetera. When you are working with other people or professionals you should not ignore your clients to whom you support. You should always include them in your conversation. (7) Rights: The individuals to whom you are caring and supporting should have the same rights as they were having at the time when they were independent. Each individual have the right to say no and the right to ask about the way in which you care and support them. They should have the right what to eat, what to wear and how to wear. They should have the right to make the friends of their own choice and how much time and how they spend with them. (8) Autonomy: With other professionals for working in partnership with colleagues, families and carers is an essential part to provide care and support. Person-centred care and support is about a whole range of people who are working together for improving the lives of individuals. Question 2 Critically review the non-person-centred approach to dementia and other common geriatric health condition’s care, from the Answer: (1) Institution perspective: People are not disease-specific. Through a quality and safety perspective, there is good reason for arguing for healthcare to be centred on patients or on people. It was argued that from medical error major reason for the high level of morbidity and mortality in many nations is due to healthcare being system-centred and doctor-centred. The involvements of patients and their families in healthcare, or patient-centred and family centred care, are now recognised to be an important partnership approach in ensuring the quality and safety of healthcare delivery .However, people with the highest health needs are often those who miss out on healthcare and, thus, can be identified neither as patients nor consumers. We argue that people-centred care ensures that healthcare is not only safe, but appropriate and accessible for all people (2) Bio-medical perspective: For scientific inquiry traditional approaches in a positivistic paradigm are relied on to maintain a distance between the phenomenon of interest and the researcher in a quest to reveal â€Å"truth† or a high degree of certainty. The researcher designs a study carefully for maximizing the distance through maintaining a neutral context-free approach and degree of objectivity. In the essence, the researchers attempts to hold themselves over and against a phenomenon, assuming a bird’s-eye view from a predetermined vantage point. Methodologically, control and manipulation of determinants of study variables are emphasized. By using such experimental approaches, a handful of neuroscientists have launched the AD movement in the 1960s, which results in rapid growth in four major areas of dementia research and practice. Question 3 Critically evaluate and discuss at least five of the following range of techniques used to meet the fluctuating abilities and needs of individuals with dementia and other common geriatric health conditions to maintain their health and wellbeing. Answer: (1) Reality-orientation approach Reality orientation has helped in declining the popularity over many years. Validation therapy emphasizes on the feelings that are behind the behaviors and statements. It emphasizes on the persons for talking about the reality in which they are in. Good reality orientation can result in a harsh imposition of the real reality and a good response to a question. Poor reality response results in bad response. The people using reality orientation must apply sensitivity and wisdom. In clinical experience both reality orientation and validation therapy understanding is immensely beneficial. Most beneficial response can be used according to person’s emotion state, personality and situation. (2) Validation approach: Validation is a method to interact with people who have dementia in the last stage of Alzheimer’s disease. People with last stage of Alzheimer’s disease exhibit abnormal behavior. For example they think that they are living in a different place or they may continuously repeat a physical gesture. Many people for example professionals think that caregivers should stop this type of behavior by stopping it or by correcting it. According to validation method this behavior is an attempt by the Alzheimer’s patient for communicating and expressing their needs. The main aim of the validation approach is to understand and emphasizes on the needs of the person trying to express. So the theory behind this method is the belief that the people with dementia do and say something for a reason. The validation in their words and actions is a way to encourage them to keep communication open with rest of the world. Other principle of validation states the o lder people are to be valued as is and those who have dementia should not be changed. Principles behind the validation approach:- Validation is the method to communicate with and to disorient the very old people which results in reducing the stress, enhancing dignity and increasing happiness. Validation practitioners are taught to be caring and judgmental and open to the feelings expressed by patient. This theory understands the patients who are in final stage of life they try to resolve unfinished issues in order to die in peace. (3) Holistic Approach:- When someone who reaches the later stages of a dementia-related illness such as Alzheimer s disease, to give care to them can be much for one person, even if others pitch in. People with dementia lose their ability to function in a certain progression, although there may be individual differences, First is the inability for doing independent daily living activities such as driving, paying bills, or taking medications. After that, essential daily functions such as eating, bathing, or using the bathroom independently become very difficult for them. This loss of function happens in different ways for different people, but in some instances, it can occur very quickly. Before your loved one reaches the point to need full-time care, you need to have a firm plan in place. That s where Memory Care comes in. The memory care is the third component of Erickson Living comprehensive Memory Support program. The first component is memory fitness designed for the people wanti ng their memory sharp. Memory health is a third component which is for the people who are in the later stage and who need support. (4) Assistive technologies: Assistive technology refers to a device or system which enables an individual to perform a task which they cannot perform independently and it increases the ease in which they can perform their task safely. It includes the device for helping the people who have problems in:- Speaking Hearing Eyesight Moving out Getting out and around Memory Cognition Socialising Daily living activities for example dressing and preparing meals Assistive technology helps in:- Promoting independence and autonomy to the person with dementia as well as to whom who are around Helping to manage potential risks in and around home Reducing early entry into care homes and hospitals Facilitating memory and recall Reducing the stress on carers, improving quality of life for them, and also with the person who have dementia. The technology available is:- (1)Memory aids Reminder messages Clocks and calendars Meditation aids Locater devices Aids for reminiscence and leisure (2)Telecare Floods Extreme temperatures Gas Falls Absence from a bed or chair Getting up in the night Leaving the home (5) Alternative therapies: The term complementary and alternative therapy includes many diverse forms of treatment. Complementary and alternative therapies are a high range of treatments that are outside of conventional medicine and which are used for treating and preventing illness and promoting health and well-being. Practitioners of complementary therapies are not much trained for diagnosing disease. The area of complementary and alternative medicine is controversial and it changes regularly. The therapies that are considered complementary or alternative in one country that may be considered conventional in another. Therapies that are now considered alternative that may become more mainstream over time, as researcher discover their effectiveness and become integrated into mainstream health care practice. Some of the complementary and alternative therapies are now available on the NHS, although this varies from region to region. Question-4 Critically analyse and discuss the impacts of equality, and cultural and diversity issues on the provision of the person-centred approach to individuals with dementia and other common geriatric health conditions within Answer (1) public health and health promotion Cultural competency is at the core of high quality, patient-cantered care, and it directly impacts how care is delivered and received. According to the Institute of Medicine’s report, Unequal Treatment Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare, a consistent body of research indicates a lack of culturally competent care directly contributes to poor patient outcomes, reduced patient compliance, and increased health disparities, regardless of the quality of services and systems available. In addition to improving care quality and patient satisfaction, delivering culturally competent care increases job satisfaction and contributes to staff retention. Impacts include:- Families may not know the right questions to ask regarding service offered within the organization, limits on what the organization can do for the residents/patients, resources that are available, or how they engage those resources. Families do not or cannot—for cultural or linguistic reasons—discuss their expectations with the organization. Families may find it hard to visit and participate in programs with residents, especially if they do not have access to transportation. Volunteerism is not part of the value system in some ethno-cultural communities, and adult children may not be interested in participating in social and cultural activities with residents. Without the encouragement and support of community partners, organizations face challenges in meeting the needs of residents from recently arrived or smaller ethno-cultural or religious groups. Regulatory requirements may restrict the degree to which organizations can adapt their current practices to accommodate ethnic groups with different perspectives and backgrounds. Attitudes to health and demand for healthcare Staff expects promptness Staff expects compliance Staff takes paternal approach Staff disrespects non-traditional healing practices Staff does not consider residents’/patients’ conflict regarding familiar belief systems and current practices Staff does not keep an open mind Question-5 Critically analyse and discuss the impacts that health sector standards and codes of practice, and other published standards have on the person-centred practice approach for individuals with dementia and other common geriatric health conditions. Answer: Healthcare Quality Professionals are defined as a standard of conduct deep-rooted in commitment, confidentiality, and relationships. By committing to improvement of performance and by integrity maintenance, the Healthcare Quality Professional can recognize the personal accountability and moral obligation to all customers which are served—clients, employers, employees, organisations, physicians, and the public. Healthcare Quality Professionals promote the profession’s dignity are committed to practicing the profession with integrity, honesty, and accountability. To respect all laws and to refuse to participate in or conceal any unethical, false, fraudulent, or deceptive activity:- †¢ to practice the profession with honesty, integrity, and accountability †¢ maintaining the level of competency as outlined in the Standards of Practice for Healthcare Quality Professionals †¢ seeking the trust and confidence of all customers †¢ supporting the Standards of Practice for Healthcare Quality Professionals †¢ respecting all laws and avoiding involvement in any false, fraudulent, or deceptive activity †¢ promoting the right of privacy for all individuals and protecting the maintenance of confidential information to the fullest extent permitted by law †¢ using expertise to inform employers or clients of possible positive and negative outcomes of management decisions in an effort to facilitate informed decision making †¢ giving credit for the work of others to whom it is due †¢ aiding the professional development and advancement of colleagues †¢ using the Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) designation only after passing the written examination, adhering to standards established by the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB) and continuing to maintain those standards through the recertification process †¢ maintaining membership in professional organizations as a means of promoting quality and professional growth and avoiding the use of such membership for the sole purpose of solicitation of business or for personal financial gain. †¢ Healthcare Quality Professionals’ primary commitment is to the health, wellbeing, and safety of patients. They must take appropriate actions regarding any instances of incompetent, unethical, illegal, or impaired practice. They work to promote cultural change that encourages the reporting of events that may result in actual or potential harm to patients or others. Standards of practice:- †¢ maintains active personal and professional development programs in the field of healthcare quality and exhibits a broad range of knowledge †¢ creates and supports an environment that fosters teamwork, emphasizes quality, recognizes the customer, and promotes learning †¢ maintains a commitment to the improvement of the professional through participation in, and active support of, the local, state, and national professional organizations †¢ addresses concerns and takes formal actions to resolve or report the unethical or questionable practices to the appropriate channels. †¢ Supports the Code of Ethics for Healthcare Quality Professionals RECOMMENDATIONS Good services should be provided to the patients suffering from dementia and othe geriatric conditions. There should be good codes of ethics and standards of practice for the people and they must be followed. Conclusion The group believed that good management services are necessary for every patient. There should be suitable principles for providing care and support to the patient. REFRENCES Ministry of health: guideline for specialist health services for older people (2004).Retrieved from Person centre support retrieved from>Dementia-friendly environments. Strategies The international journal of person cantered medicine (2012) Retrieved from Using reality orientation in the treatment of people with Alzheimer’s disease ( may 2014) Retrieved from https://www.Alzheimer’>>Treatment options Diversity and culture competency in healthcare settings Retrieved from Codes of ethics and standards of practice Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

“A Rose For Emily” and “The Lottery” Essay

â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, by William Faulkner and â€Å"The Lottery†, by Shirley Jackson are both short stories that deal with conflict from either the community or individually. Faulkner hints us readers the main conflict in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is not only Emily but other characters in this short story. For â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson hints the readers the conflict is more on the social side meaning the community or society not only the main characters. But the main comparisons between these two short stories are the characters, and the communities that seem to be stuck in the past. William Faulkner starts the short story off with saying the character Emily, from â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, is dead. Faulkner divides the short story into five parts, and those five parts talk about Emily’s life which is spoken from the town’s perspective. Emily is described as a burden, whose â€Å"old fashioned† and is basically a mean old lady. The first part starts off with Emily not wanting to pay her taxes and the mayor sets up a meeting of the Board of Aldermen to her home. Not only was she showing no manners, she kept saying she had no taxes to pay and tells her servant, â€Å"the Negro† to show the gentlemen out. The short story continues on with mentioning Emily’s father’s death. The town’s people felt sorry for Emily, not only on the fact that he passed away but the fact that her father was a controlling man. Controlling meaning her father didn’t want her to seek men. Emily was in denial for her father’s death, â€Å"She told them her father was not dead. She did that for three days† (151). She couldn’t let her father go because her father was her life and that was the only life she had. The other parts talk about Emily’s sweetheart named Homer Baron. Everyone in town are happy about her having a sweetheart, but it goes downhill once they find out Homer Baron liked young men. Emily ends up buying poison and it wasn’t easy buying since the druggist was curious as to why Emily wanted it for. The townspeople on the other hand assumed it was so she can kill herself since she’s going through a lot. But Emily doesn’t only purchase rat poison; she ends up buying hologram toilet set with H.B written on them. Six months has passed by and Emily hasn’t been seen, till one day when people noticed her weight gain. Towards the end of the story the people noticed the Negro (servant) runs away while Emily is dying. They then open a door and the first thing  the town’s people notice is Homer Baron’s body being decayed. Next to his body was a print of a body that seemed to lay there every night and a piece of Emily’s grey hair. â€Å"The Lottery†, by Shirley Jackson is about a small town that gathered in a square on a summer day, June 27th. When you think of â€Å"Lottery† you probably assume something positive that deals with money. But that’s not true, in this short story â€Å"The Lottery† is a ritual that’s been going on for generations. It has to do with throwing a rock to a person that gets a mark in the middle of the paper, all towns had stopped doing this ritual but this was the only town that continued. The person who’s in charge of this ritual is Mr. Summers along with a helper Mr. Graves who’s the post master. The Lottery starts off with mixing the papers inside a box and calling out the names from a list. Once everyone had picked out the paper and seen if they had got picked, the people in the village noticed Bill Hutchison ended up getting the black dot. Tessie who is the wife, stands up for her husband and say’s it wasn’t a fair pi ck so Mr. Summer gives them another chance. Everyone in the family got to pick a paper out and this time Tessie ends up getting picked. Now since it’s a ritual it was something you had to do, that’s when everyone in the village including Tessie’s family picked up rocks and threw it to her. â€Å"It isn’t fair, it isn’t right.† (192) Tessie constantly is yelling this because she knew this wasn’t right, it wasn’t right to kill an innocent over a ritual. Both these short stories seem to fall in a similar comparison which is conflict between individual and the community. The narrator in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† gives away that Emily is stubborn; she doesn’t care at what anyone says of her. But in this short story it’s not only one conflict, its several conflicts we notice. One was Emily’s father; she didn’t want to let his body go because he was her only life especially since he was controlled. Another conflict was the community and Emily. People that lived in that town would always say rumors, and basically won’t help her they would just sit back and wait. Then we have Emily and Homer Baron, Emily was lonely, and Homer seemed to be the only person that was someone she loved. Even if it didn’t turn out the way she hoped, she knew just having his presence there was enough. So this shows Emily had conflicts with reality, present and past, and being lonely. â€Å"The Lottery†, on the other hand was conflict between community and individuality, for example Tessie and the village she was living in. The whole ritual â€Å"The Lottery† symbolizes any sin or any bad behavior that has been caused to be passed down from generation to generation no matter how cruel it could be. Tessie is against this whole ritual, she finds it not fair because of killing an innocent person. Old Man Warner was also another person who noticed this ritual wasn’t right, he notices the changes throughout all the years he’s been around. He mentions, â€Å"It’s not the way it used to be,† â€Å"People ain’t the way they used to be.† (191). In â€Å"The Lottery† it shows that no matter if the box changes, the ritual will always remain the same, and instead of the town actually stopping this from happening they join. The past and the community seem to be one of the other noticeable conflicts. The reason for why Tessie could’ve also been yelling out â€Å"It isn’t fair† because this ritual has ended everywhere else but continued in this village. The village is still holding onto the ritual that’s been taking hold for so long that they aren’t really thinking of any other consequences. Both of these short stories fall into somewhat of the same conflict. Like Emily, if she wasn’t so focused into the past meaning being â€Å"old fashioned† then she would’ve fit well into the society without feeling lonely. As for Tessie and her village, if they stopped continuing a ritual that was held on for so long then Tessie wouldn’t have been killed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Book Between The World And Me By Ta Nehisi Coates

The book Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a poignant reminder that the battle for equality is still ongoing for African Americans, and that the average black reality is rife with perils, which could easily lead to the destruction of life or liberty. In the wake of the recent string of deaths involving unarmed African American citizens by the hands of local law enforcement, Coates presents his narrative in the style of a letter to his son. Writing in the form of a letter offers a deeper sense of intimacy both with its perceived intended subject (Coates’s son) and the reader. The intimacy expressed through this narrative style denotes Coates’s own intense emotions to the reader regarding race in America. In this way, Coates offers a view that is authentic, humanistic, and emotionally charged contrary to just being an omniscient narrator. The diction of the book is colloquial, which gives the text a tone that suggests the seriousness of Coatesâ€⠄¢s message as well at the importance of it being received by the audience. His conveyance of the dire situation African Americans face isn’t veiled in scholarly language. It’s clear and concise and as such the text doesn’t feel journalistic or a mere retelling of facts and figures. The narrative is empirical, relating authority from a place of authenticity, as Coates is African American, did grow up on the impoverished streets of Baltimore, and had experienced violence both first and second hand, whether it wasShow MoreRelatedDr Nehisi Coates, An American Educator, Journalist, And Writer1086 Words   |  5 PagesTa-Nehisi Coates is an American educator, journalist, and writer. Ta-Nehisi writes about social, cultural, and political issues, regarding African-Americans for The Atlantic where he is a national correspondent. 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Course: .1165 Words   |  5 Pages1 / 5 Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Between the World and Me: Black Identity The book Between the World and Me was written by Ta-Nehisi Coates in 2015. The book takes the format of a letter addressed to the writer’s teenage son, where he continually addresses the subject of African Americans in the society (4). Looking at the work from a more critical perspective, Coates work seems to have been inspired by the work of Baldwin of 1963 The Fire Next Time, where he spoke of whiteRead MoreAnalysis Of Kendrick Lamar s The Blacker The Berry Essay1629 Words   |  7 PagesGrammy Awards show. Shackled in chains, he moved lethargically across the stage in a prison uniform. Words began to stream out of his mouth and I imagined the elephant that filled the room as an unapologetically black male made a statement to the world about African American oppression in the United States. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Scientist vs Engineer - Whats the Difference

Scientist versus engineer... are they the same? Different? Heres a look at the definitions of scientist and engineer and the difference between a scientist and engineer. Practical and Philosophical Differences A scientist is a person who has scientific training or who works in the sciences. An engineer is someone who is trained as an engineer. So, the practical difference lies in the educational degree and the description of the task being performed by the scientist or engineer. On a more philosophical level, scientists tend to explore the natural world and discover new knowledge about the universe and how it works. Engineers apply that knowledge to solve practical problems, often with an eye toward optimizing cost, efficiency, or some other parameters. Considerable Overlap   There is considerable overlap between science and engineering, so you will find scientists who design and construct equipment and engineers who make important scientific discoveries. Information theory was founded by Claude Shannon, a theoretical engineer. Peter Debye won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with a degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate in physics.