Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sex, Lies and Conversation Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sex, Lies and Conversation Article - Essay Example Particularly, girls and women usually face each other in a direct manner, anchoring their eyes on the interlocutorââ¬â¢s face. Unlike women, man and boys, regardless of age, tend to sit at angles to each other. Moreover, they typically do not fix on each otherââ¬â¢s eyes but rather look elsewhere around. Only periodically do they glance at their interlocutors. At the same time, as Tannen observes, males are evidently attuned to each other, which becomes clear as one sees their echoing movements. Misunderstandings arise because women often think that if men do not face them directly or face away, they do not listen or are unwilling to talk. For instance, one girl found herself really frustrated once she started talking to her boyfriend. Whenever she told him she would like to talk, he would just lie down on the roomââ¬â¢s floor, put his hands over the face, close his eyes, and listen to her while staying in such position. For him, that obviously meant that he was super concen trated as normally he would rather look around his room and could be distracted easily. As he lied down on and closed his eyes, he was able to follow the conversation in a more effective manner (Tannen). Another example is a conversation observed by Tannen between two boys in the 10th grade. The boys were sharing their problems. Their position was as follows: sprawled across chairs, keeping their bodies parallel, looking straight ahead and rarely glancing at each other, the boys ââ¬Å"looked as if they were riding in a car, staring out the windshieldâ⬠(Tannen). Of course, it is hard to imagine two girls sharing about their problems and feelings in a similar physical position. Next, there is a difference in how men and women focus on topics while talking. While for men it is typical to change topics frequently, women like to talk a lot about one topic. Tannen observed that while the second grade girls were telling each other stories about people they were familiar with, boys o f this age jumped from one topic to another: teased each other, spotted things in the room, told jokes, and talked about finding a game to play. Similarly, the girls in the sixth grade would talk at length about some problem (a mutual friend, for example), whereas boys at this age talked about as many as 55 topics, different from each other and each lasting just for a few turns. As a result, for women it is unnatural to switch topics in a conversation and they think men do not listen if they tend to change topics. Moreover, there is a clear difference as to how men and women perceive the role of talk. For a male, a talk is a means of showing his independence and maintaining his status, since menââ¬â¢s perception of the world is hierarchical. Men feel as if they were on guard to protect their statuses and to prevent being pushed around or pushed down. Tannen writes that for a man a talk is a way to establish a position in a group so that the one who is talking is perceived as the one who has power. On the contrary, women perceive talk as a way to form and maintain intimate relationships and closeness. Specifically, a conversation is like a cornerstone of friendly relationship for women. It is an instrument to keep close and see that you are loved. Therefore, men feel challenged to talk at public more than women. At the same time, women prefer to talk more at home where they feel relaxed, free from fear of being misunderstood, pushed away, sounding offensive
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Narrative - Essay Example Federal agents had introduced regulations that required every constitutional district to provide a given number of men to join the federal government troops. Although we had skirmishes in other parts, the New York unrests were the most publicized due to the magnitude of the protests. The rioters were overwhelmingly working class men, angered by the selective application of the draft because wealthy men could pay a $300 communication fee to exclude them from its reach (Civil War Society). Initially, the riots stemmed from an expression of anger at the law but later degraded into virtual racial pogrom. Blacks turned out to be the fall guys and the primary target of the protesters. Immigrants and the poor were for the opinion that the freed slaves (blacks) posed a threat to the already crowded job market. The rioters considered the blacks as the cause of the civil war and those who were unfortunate to come into contact with the rioters, faced the risk of encountering a harsh beating, torture and /or death. According to the Civil War Society, group of 400 rioters cornered a black man and stoned, whipped and hanged him on a tree before setting a blaze on him. In another incident, the police intervened early enough to prevent children in an orphanage from an attack by the marauding crowd. According to the Civil War Society, the conditions in the city were disastrous such that Major General John E. Wool, proposed imposition of martial law though he did not have the power to enforce it. Having sent its militia to assist the Union troops in Pennsylvania, New York remained with the police as the only law enforcement agents. Following the unrests, Police Superintendent John Alexander Kennedy came to assess the situation while in civilian clothes. Unfortunately, the crowd noticed him and immediately attacked him living the Police Superintendent to be seriously wounded and nearly unconscious. In response to that incident, the police came angered like wounded lions, to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Persona, salud, entorno y enfermeria
Persona, salud, entorno y enfermeria Estamos ante un articulo de titulo Persona, salud, entorno y enfermeria, que pertenece al volumen Enfermeria Comunitaria. Metodos y Tecnicas. S.21.Edit.DAE.2à ° ed.2008 de autores Dora Espinar Gonzalez e Hipolito Delgado Rodriguez. Lo que viene a clarificarnos este articulo, en toda regla, es que el modelo biomedico se orienta exclusivamente a la practica asistencial, que se orienta a la enfermedad y deja a un lado el modelo holistico, el cual se centra en todos los aspectos de la persona. Como el sistema sanitario actual se centra en el modelo biomedico, su objetivo final y prioritario es buscar el tratamiento y la curacion de la enfermedad. Lo que conseguimos con esto, es centrarnos en los aspectos fisicos ignorando al paciente, ya que se deja a un lado toda comunicacion con el. Tenemos que tener claro que a la hora de contactar con un paciente, no solo nos ha de importar la causa fisica o las anomalias bioquimicas para el diagnostico de la enfermedad, sino que el estilo de vida de la persona y su susceptibilidad biologica influyen en una futura enfermedad, asi como el entorno que nos rodea, la sociedad en si, el medio natural donde yace, etc. La enfermera es la que cuida de la persona en todas sus dimensiones, comunicandose con el, entendiendo sus preocupaciones, preguntandole por su forma de vivir para asi ayudar a que tome sus propias decisiones y recupere por tanto, su autonomia para mejorar o recuperar su salud. Es verdad que los profesionales medicos son mas habiles para conocer y explicar las razones de las enfermedades, pero no son habiles para aplicar habitualmente la prevencion y la promocion de la salud para conservar y mejorar la salud de la persona y en general, de la comunidadcosa que si hacen o deberian hacer los profesionales de enfermeria. Los profesionales de enfermeria deben promocionar la salud, pero deben hacerlo colaborando con la poblacion, pero no trabajando para ella. Para obtener la promocion de salud se debe estimular, motivar, orientar a los lideres informales para que la poblacion desarrolle sus propias habilidades para con su salud. Sabemos que las enfermedades dependen de los grupos sociales en las que se de, es decir, no es lo mismo una enfermedad tratada en un pais desarrollado que en un pais en vias de desarrollo. De todas formas, nunca debemos aislar la enfermedad de la persona que esta enferma y sin lugar a dudas el modelo actual del sistema sanitario se centra solo en la enfermedad y se olvida totalmente del paciente, que en muchas ocasiones ayuda incluso al diagnostico y a su curacion. Otro factor que afecta al ser humano es el entorno, es decir, todo aquello que le rodea. Es el ser humano el que se debe adaptar al medio natural en el que vive y esto se debe hacer mediante la socializacion y el aprendizaje y para ello se debe contar con la ayuda de la familia, puesto que es un agente de salud potencial, porque es la familia la que ayuda a desenvolvernos en la sociedad ante cualquier tipo de problema, sea de salud o no. Por lo tanto, las personas dependemos de nuestra familia para adoptar un estilo de vida y unas formas de enfrentarnos a la enfermedad que pueden ser buenas o malas. Naturalmente, para eso estan los profesionales de la salud, para promocionar un estilo de vida sano y una manera de enfrentarse a la enfermedad adecuada para preservar o mejorar asi la salud. Como resultado, habra que potenciar las buenas actuaciones en la familia para conseguir una serie de objetivos que ayuden a la socializacion y al aprendizaje de los hijos y que como consecuencia esto s lo hagan con las futuras generaciones. Quizas el papel de enfermeria se ha ido alejando de lo que realmente es, puesto que lo que se debe hacer no es lo que realmente se hace. Se debe cuidar tanto a las personas sanas como a las enfermas para educar en salud, para que ademas, se reconozca a los profesionales de enfermeria por el cuidado de la salud y no exclusivamente por el cuidado de la enfermedad. Tambien se debe garantizar a la poblacion de que seran atendidos por el profesional adecuado y de forma personalizada porque cada persona es diferente, por lo tanto sus cuidados deben ser distintos. Y ademas, se debe garantizar la ayuda para que las personas que han mermado una de sus capacidades por cualquier tipo de enfermedad, vuelvan a recuperarla para asi poder conseguir la autonomia que toda persona debe poseer. Como el sistema sanitario se ha vuelto incapaz de realizar los cuidados y las atenciones especificas para la poblacion, los servicios sanitarios necesitan incorporar nuevas ideas y visiones para afrontar los objetivos que se deben cumplir y que ya existian. Para ello, nos ayudaremos de las construcciones socio-culturales de cada comunidad para asi integrarlos en la participacion para la obtencion de salud y su conservacion. En base a todo lo escrito antes, para un correcto entendimiento en el que las enfermeras hagan lo que deben de hacer, deberiamos recuperar viejas ideas que se centren en todos los ambitos del paciente como hacen muchas medicinas tradicionales, por ejemplo el Ayurveda, que es una medicina tradicional tipica de la India. El Ayurveda es un sistema holistico en el que sus objetivos son tener en cuenta tanto la mente, las emociones y la constitucion fisica del paciente. No obstante, el modelo que persiste actualmente en occidente es todo lo contrario, pues se centra en curar la enfermedad dejando actuar al paciente de forma pasiva. El Ayurveda se centra en 5 elementos fundamentales como son el aire, la tierra, el eter, el fuego y el agua que conforman las tres Doshas (Kappa, Vata y Pitta), segà ºn vayamos teniendo desequilibrios en estas Doshas, el Ayurveda nos aconseja una serie de alimentos sanos para asi mantener una dieta sana y equilibrada que acompaà ±ada de ejercicio fisico, que equilibra mente y cuerpo, como la yoga, podamos asi mantener un estilo de vida sano orientado a la conservacion o la mejora de la salud. Sabemos ademas, que la mente ejerce mucho poder sobre nuestro cuerpo por lo que Mens sana in corpore sano tal y como dijo un celebre poeta romano llamado Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis, el c ual instruia que se debia dejar las cosas vanas a un lado e implorar a los dioses por una salud integral de la mente, el cuerpo y el alma. Por lo tanto, se puede llegar a la conclusion de que si mantenemos nuestra mente sana, mantendremos nuestro cuerpo sano y por tanto nuestra salud sera la adecuada. Tanto el ejercicio fisico, como una mente sana y un estilo de vida correcto, ayudaran a sentirnos bien, para poder asi mejorar o mantener nuestra salud. En resumidas cuentas, todo lo que conforma nuestro cuerpo es muy importante, puesto que debemos tener en cuenta las emociones, la mente y la constitucion fisica a la hora de hablar con un paciente, ya que no solo las anomalias bioquimicas importan, sino que tambien es importante lo que piensa el paciente o aquel rasgo subjetivo de la enfermedad que solo el puede expresarnos. Todo profesional de la salud, debe centrarse en el modelo holistico, para asi atender a todas la dimensiones que conforman la persona y como ejemplo, la medicina ayurvedica es bastante completa. Con este articulo, queda bastante claro cual debe ser la mision de cualquier personal sanitario, pero en concreto el del profesional de enfermeria. Ademas, esta muy bien estructurado ya que en ningà ºn momento la tesis se contradice y el objetivo del articulo queda bastante evidente.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Role of Nature in Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Mathilda Essays -- Mathilda
Role of Nature in Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Mathilda The naturalistic imagery that pervades Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Mathilda acts as an underlying theme for the incestuous affair between Mathilda and her father and its unruly consequences. Their relationship is a crime against the laws of Nature and causes Mathilda to become ostracized from the very world that she loved as a child. Shelleyââ¬â¢s implementation of naturalistic imagery accentuates the unlawful and subsequent ramifications of the relationship between Mathilda and her father and contrasts the ideals and boundaries of the natural and spiritual worlds. Naturalistic imagery encompasses Mathildaââ¬â¢s childhood as she is prompted to take solace in Nature due to the lack of affection she receives from her stern aunt, whom she describes as being a "plant beneath a thick covering of ice" (1343). Mathilda besets a dreary childhood lacking in affection and companionship by becoming lost in the dynamics of Nature: "I loved everything, even the inanimate objects that surrounded me. I believe that I bore an individual attachment to every tree in our park; every animal that inhabited it knew me and I loved themâ⬠¦But my pleasure arose from the contemplates of nature alone, I had no companion: my warm affections finding no return from any other human heart were forced to run waste on inanimate objects" (1343-44). The lack of human affection that she experiences incites her to long for the father that abandoned her as an infant. Mathilda likens herself to being a solitary being that "brought Rosalind and Miranda and the lady of Comus to life to be my companions, or on my isle acted over their parts imagining myself to be in their situations" (1344). The reference to Rosalind from Shakespeareââ¬â¢s As You Like ... ...I should raise my eyes fearlessly to meet his, which ever beamed with the soft lustre of innocent love" (1373). It is fitting that it is Nature that commences the end of Mathildaââ¬â¢s life. She grows mortally ill after becoming lost in the forest after Woodville leaves, and then during her last days, she chooses to die surrounded by Nature: "I caused myself to be led once more to behold the face of nature" (1376). Death represents rebirth to Mathilda, in which she can exist in a world that wonââ¬â¢t judge her feelings as unfit. In her farewell to Woodville, Mathilda illustrates her feelings of alienation from the natural world and how death will allow for her to escape such feelings: "Farewell, Woodville, the turf will soon be green on my grave; and the violets will bloom on it. There is my hope and my expectation; yourââ¬â¢s are in this world; may they be fulfilled" (1376).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Modern mining Essay
Modern mining is an industry that involves the exploration for and removal of minerals from the earth, economically and with minimum damage to the environment. Mining is important because minerals are major sources of energy as well as materials such as fertilizers and steel. Mining is necessary for nations to have adequate and dependable supplies of minerals and materials to meet their economic and defense needs at acceptable environmental, energy, and economic costs. There are significant differences in the mining techniques and environmental effects of mining metallic, industrial, and fuel minerals. Mining is a global industry, and not every country has high-grade, large, exceptionally profitable mineral deposits, and the transportation infrastructure to get the mined products to market economically. Some of the factors affecting global mining are environmental regulations, fuel costs, labor costs, access to land believed to contain valuable ore, diminishing ore grades requiring the mining of more raw materials to obtain the target mineral, technology, the length of time to obtain a permit to mine, and proximity to markets, among others. Without proper precaution, mining have negative consequences on the environments, ecosystems, water, beautiful sceneries and the landscapes. Though it has had many negative impacts on the environment in the past, mining is a vital industry completely necessary to our economy and lives. Nearly every item we use or encounter in our day to day lives is mined or contains mined products. Without the excavation of such materials things like computers, televisions, large building structures, electricity, and cars would not be possible. Virtually every technological and medical advance uses minded materials, without which millions would suffer. To some extend mining activities have some positive impact on wildlife in that when these fields are broken, it creates openings which acts as there home. Food and cover plants can be introduced to these places for the benefit of the entire wildlife A list of the 10 biggest gold mines in the world; 1. Grasberg Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is in the Indonesian province of Papua, produced 2,025,000 ounces of gold, according to the annual report of Rio Tinto Plc. The mine is majority owned by Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Besides gold, it also produces silver and copper. 2. Muruntau Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is about 250 miles west of the capital in Uzbekistan, is believed to have produced approximately 1,800,000 ounces of gold last year. The project, which is an open-pit operation, is run by state-owned Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat. 3. Carlin-Nevada Complex ââ¬â This mine, which is in the U.S. state of Nevada, produced 1.735 million ounces in 2010. It is owned by Newmont Mining Corp. It includes both open-pit and underground operations. 4. Yanacocha Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is in northern Peru and is the largest gold mine in Latin America, produced 1.46 million ounces last year. It is run by Newmont Mining and owned by Newmont Mining and Buenaventurda, a Peruvian company. 5. Goldstrike (Betze Post) Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is northwest of Elko, Nev., produced 1.24 million ounces of gold last year. It is owned by Barrick Gold Corp. 6. Cortez Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is southwest of Elko, Nev., produced 1.14 million ounces of gold last year. It is owned by Barrick Gold. 7. Veladero Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is in Argentina, produced 1.12 million ounces of gold last year. It is owned by Barrick Gold. 8. Lagunas Norte Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is in north-central Peru, produced 808,000 ounces of gold last year. It is owned by Barrick Gold. 9. Lihir Gold Mine ââ¬â This mine, which is in Papua New Guineau, produced 790,974 ounces of gold in the 12 months ended June 30. It is owned by Newcrest Mining Ltd., Australiaââ¬â¢s largest gold producer. 10. Super Pit/Kalgoorlie ââ¬â This mine, an open-cut mine in Western Australia, produced 788,000 ounces last year. It is 50-50 owned by Barrick Gold and Newmont Mining. CORRUPTION Corruption is not a new phenomenon in India. It has been prevalent in society since ancient times. History reveals that it was present even in the Mauryan period. Great scholar Kautilya mentions the pressure of forty types of corruption in his contemporary society. It was practised even in Mughal andà Sultanate period. When the East India Company took control of the country, corruption reached new height. Corruption in India has become so common that people now are averse to thinking of public life with it. Corruption has been defined variously by scholars. But the simple meaning of it is that corruption implies perversion of morality, integrity, character or duty out of mercenary motives, i.e. bribery, without any regard to honour, right and justice. In other words, undue favour for any one for some monetary or other gains is corruption. Simultaneously, depriving the genuinely deserving from their right or privilege is also a corrupt practice. Shrinking from oneââ¬â¢s duty or dereliction of duty are also forms of corruption. Besides, thefts, wastage of public property constitute varieties of corruption. Dishonesty, exploitation, malpractices, scams and scandals are various manifestations of corruption. Corruption is not a uniquely Indian phenomenon. It is witnessed all over the world in developing as well as developed countries. It has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life, namely business administration, politics, officialdom, and services. In fact, there is hardly any sector which can be characterised for not being infected with the vices of corruption. Corruption is rampant in every segment and every section of society, barring the social status attached to it. Nobody can be considered free from corruption from a high ranking officer. To root out the evil of corruption from society, we need to make a comprehensive code of conduct for politicians, legislatures, bureaucrats, and such code should be strictly enforced. Judiciary should be given more independence and initiatives on issues related to corruption. Special courts should be set-up to take up such issues and speedy trial is to be promoted. Law and order machinery should be allowed to work without political interference. NGOs and media should come forward to create awareness against corruption in society and educate people to combat this evil. Only then we would be able to save our system from being collapsed. Essay 2: (Just read this, itââ¬â¢s a nice one) Let us first of all understand what is meant by corruption and corrupt practices. In brief, anything that is below all standard norms of morality in a country, is called or defined as corruption and corrupt practices. These norms are a fixed standard in any given society, and when these are broken we say that, a society is getting corrupted. This corruption as we see it today is not a development that has come overnight, it has been a continuous process for the last several decades and, to ââ¬â day it has seeped into the very blood stream of the system. What we have to study next is, why and how this monster of corruption has taken such a firm hold on India so much so that, the country of the legendary Harischandra, the honest has reached the position of one of the top ten or so of corrupt countries of the world. The corrupt practices have now become our lifestyle to such an extent that, we do not seem to feel that there is anything wrong in what all we are doing., and that things should not be as they are. We, on the contrary are inclined to justify all wrong saying that, without doing wrong we cannot exist or be functional. Tourism Tourism is one of the worldââ¬â¢s fastest growing industries. Tourism is an excellent way to develop a country, but it can also cause harm. How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development. It is irrefutable that tourism has become the backbone of many economies of the world. In fact many countries rely on the tourist dollar for their development. This has also led to damage of the natural environment and at many places the tourist places have been so much littered that they have ceased being a tourist attraction any more. In a way tourism is killing tourism. In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss ways in which countries can ensure sustainable tourism. Also the tourism industry provides 8% of total world employment. Rising affluence in many countries is one major contributing factor for this development. Tourism itself has diversified into heritage tourism, beach tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, medical tourism, etc., to cater to different tastes. All this has created a massive spurt in global tourism. Long periods of political stability also emboldened people to venture out and explore the world. Television, movies and other kinds of media fostered curiosity about other parts of the world by showing attractive images of such places. Creative ad campaigns like ââ¬ËIncredible Indiaââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËTruly Malaysiaââ¬â¢ have also done their bit to boost global tourism. Global tourism fosters an understanding of different cultures. This helps to promote peace among nations and peoples. It can also improve the economy of poor countries which in turn raises the living standards of their people. But global tourism has some downsides too. Unchecked tourist arrivals can impact the environment or socio-cultural fabric of a place. A once peaceful Goa has become a den of vices like rape, child abuse and drugs because of tourism. A sustainable approach will ensure that such negative consequences will be minimized.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Coming of Age in New Jersey by Michael Moffatt:
One learns real education in the college of self-education, where oneââ¬â¢s mind is oneââ¬â¢s Principal; oneââ¬â¢s initiative, oneââ¬â¢s Professors. Oneââ¬â¢s hard work, oneââ¬â¢s tutors!à It provides you the correct decision making power. It makes you act. You are able to start a thing; you are also able to finish that thing and achieve your goal. The real education tells you, there is no victory or defeat in life ââ¬âthere is only permanent effort. What are theory text-books after all? They are the storehouse of experiences. True college education must stand the test of its practical application. According to Moffatt it should provide awareness, proper direction and destination to the student, in life. As a new and revealing perspective on the much-studied American college student, the observations contained in the book are highly authentic and path-breaking! Breaking through the facade of higher learning and discovering the actuality of college life (pertaining to the students, professors, and the institution as a whole). The book describes the plight of the American college student, who carries encyclopedia within his brain. He goes on accumulating knowledge, and doesnââ¬â¢t know much about its applicationââ¬âmeaning thereby failure to perform to right things at the right time. Students donââ¬â¢t enter college just to study the prescribed textbooks relating to their syllabusââ¬âthey are spending the very precious part, of the formative years of their life in the portals of college. à Every student has the problem, peculiar to his circumstances and the level of his progression in life. They learn what is individualism, what is friendship, the community feelings, color and race, ethnic problems, intellectual achievements, work and play and above all sex and gender related problems. The student is exposed to new situations all through his years in the college. The author is a faculty member in the Anthropology department at Rutgers University. He did his college studies twice. The objectives of his two attempts were different. On the first occasion, perhaps it was pure studyââ¬âown career-oriented approach. At the second attempt, he was studying the students. Not what they study, but how they study, what they study! The old-guard was a fresher again, as a very senior student. He lived in the dorm, with the students. Could there by ay better method, for gathering authentic notes for his intended study? This he did, 20 years after his graduation. Moffatt realized that the young college student was a growing human plant. In the heart, he revolted against the prevailing educational system in America, severed from Nature and stifling all individuality. Moffatt had practical ideals to mold the education system. He advocated for new types of training and fearless experiments. Educational innovations for the college students need to become more numerous and more courageous, he advocated. When his second term as a student was over, Moffatt, offered his preliminary results for further scrutiny and comments by the students. The feedback obtained from the undergraduates, provided valuable data to refine his initial observations. He got more information from their perspective, and unique interpretations, that provided more creditability to the book. The book, in a way is jointly authored by the Professor and the students. The studentââ¬â¢s actions, feelings, and thoughts about college (them giving more importance to the social world than the academic); Moffatt( as a student for the second time) makes an interesting observation, how the various officials, employees, professors etc. only knew the partial truth about the functioning of the college, not the whole truth. He writes, ââ¬Å"The College was a very complicated place, made more complicated by its inclusion in a bigger and even more confusing university. Very few administrators understood all of itââ¬âeven its formal organizationââ¬âlet alone how it actually worked. Most campus adults did not even try; they simply did their best to grasp those small parts of the college and the university that they needed to understand.â⬠(Moffat, 1989, p. xv (preface) ââ¬Å"I no longer understood my studentsâ⬠ââ¬â¢ says Prof. Moffatt. There was no feeling of solidarity and responsibility. Exercise of self-reliance and individuality was not encouraged. Stern regard for duty, action without motivated desires, sacrifice and self-respect as well respect for others, were absent. The student was willing to be influenced by the impact of materialistic civilization totally, and the internet revolution did leave deep impact on him. Academic dignity and the great purpose of nobility of human life were sadly lacking. The distant and uncommunicative relationship between the students and professors and how that plays a part in the studentââ¬â¢s actions and beliefs in/about college (affects the development of the students.) The study revealed many interesting factors. It brought to light the limited knowledge the students had about the structure/hierarchy of the teaching staff and their duties and responsibilities. The students never knew how Professors spent their time after the actual study hours, and about their research, thinking and the department politics. He writes, ââ¬Å"Most students were not sure of the relation between the two most immediate authorities in their lives, the dean of students and the dean of Rutgers College. And very few of them could name any of the higher-level university officials between these two deans at the bottom of the administration and the president of Rutgers University at the top.â⬠(Moffat, 1989, p.25) As for the Professors, they were not aware of what the students need to do every semesterââ¬âhow to budget their time against the time and space demands. Conclusion: What is the true purpose of education? Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel-prize winning poet from India puts it beautifully: ââ¬Å"Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, Where knowledge is free, Where the word has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls, Where words come from the depth of truth, â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake!ââ¬âeducation must lead an individual, a student to such height level of evolution. References Cited: Moffatt, Michael: Book: Coming of Age in New Jersey. Paperback: 376 pages Publisher: Rutgers University Press (March 1, 1989) Language: English ISBN-10: 0813513596 ISBN-13: 978-0813513591 Editorial Reviews à Ã
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Red Badge of Courage Literary Critique essays
The Red Badge of Courage Literary Critique essays The Red Badge of Courage begins with the Youth (Henry) preparing to leave to war. He has fabulous ideas concocted in his mind about victory and heroism. The Youth soon finds that victory and heroism are a small part in the splendor of war. The Youth's mind soon becomes burdened with thoughts of death and running away from battle. Sure enough, in the midst of battle, the Youth flees the battlefield. The Youth must learn to deal with the shame he feels on deserting his comrades. When he returns to his camp he lies and says that he was separated during combat and was shot. The Youth is given another chance to fight and prove he is not a coward. As the book progresses, the Youth learns to deal with his shame by feeling honored for being a hero. In the end, the Youth becomes a man. He learns that the most important lessons in life can be seen by opening his eyes. I personally was attracted to the Youth. All his thoughts and wild imagination impressed me. He would describe death as a being that could swallow him whole, and ramble on about wonderful sunsets. The Youth was also a very troubled soul. He worried a lot over things he might do and not the things he would do. For instance, on page 34, he questions others in hope that their answers would comfort him. He feels disassociated from others, "The Youth, considering himself separated from the others..." (p29). Page 35 quotes, "He was a mental outcast." He lacked self confidence and "continually tried to measure himself by his comrades." (p22). Despite his sorrow, the Youth was creative and compared ideas and objects to other ideas and objects. "The battle was like the grinding of an immense and terrible machine." I believe that the Youth brought the book to life through his life. At times I would find myself thinking, "I've thought that too!" For example on page 127, the Youth announces that his life should be lived to his expectations and not everyon ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Begin Your Career in Architecture
How to Begin Your Career in Architecture As in any profession, the steps to be an architect seem simple, involve a lot of hard work, and can be filled with fun. Simply put, becoming an architect involves education, experience, and examinations. Your journey from student to professional architect will move through several stages. You begin by choosing the right school for you. Step 1: School Some people become interested in designing and building things while still in high school is a great place to start to become an architect. Since the 19th century when architecture became a profession in the United States, you have to go to college to be an architect. This is the 21st century. But, many paths can lead to a career in architecture. In fact, you can become an architect even if you earn a bachelors degree from a school without an architecture program. But its a little more complicated. What is called higher education comes at different levels - undergraduate and graduate. You can earn an undergraduate degree in most anything - English, History, Engineering - and then be admitted to a graduate program in architecture to earn a professional degree in architecture. So, you dont even have to decide if you want to be an architect until after you receive a bachelors degree. Going this route, a professional masters degree in architecture (M.Arch) may take an additional three years beyond your four-year degree. You can also become an architect with a professional undergraduate degree (B.Arch), which in many architecture schools takes five years to complete. Yes, its a five-year program, and you only earn an undergraduate degree. A vital area of architectural study is the Design Studio, which is hands-on experience that consumes a lot of time. For students less interested in becoming an architect but still interested in architecture, most schools also offer NON-professional degrees in architecture - without the Design Studio. It turns out there are plenty of opportunities for architecture majors as well as for professional architects. Choosing the school that best fits your needs is the first step. If you possibly can, begin your career in architecture while still in school. Consider joining the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). Look for a part-time job related to architecture or design. Do clerical work, drafting, or crowdsourcing for an architect or designer. Consider volunteering for an emergency relief organization or charitable program that provides design services for those in need. Whether you are paid or not, the experience will give you the opportunity to develop your skills and build a strong portfolio. Hopefully youve chosen a school with an active alumni. Does your university sponsor alumni homecomings, bringing your schools graduates back on campus? Get your face out there among the established architects - whether these gatherings are called networking opportunities or meet and greet gatherings, mingle with the people that you will forever be associated with as alumnus of the same college. Alumni are also a great source for externships. Usually short-term and unpaid, externships can do a number of things for your career. Externships can (1) kickstart the experience section of your resume; (2) help you test the waters, observing a real work environment, without the pressure and stress of having to produce a product like a project or paper; (3) allow you to shadow a professional architect for a day or work week, getting a feel for the professional side of architecture; and (4) help you determine your comfort level in a small or large architectural firm. Louisiana State University calls their externship program a chance to Get out of town! The difference between an externship and an internship is found in the name - an extern is external to the workplace, and all expenses are usually the responsibility of the extern; an intern is internal to the organization and is often paid an entry-level wage. Step 2: Architecture Experience Yay! Youve graduated from college or graduate school. Most graduates work for several years as interns in a professional architectural firm before they take licensing exams and become registered architects. For help finding an entry-level position, visit the career center at your college. Also look to your professors for guidance. But, the term intern is on its way out.à The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), the licensing organization for architects, is highly involved with helping architecture firms mold neophytes into architects ready to contribute to a practice. Before you can even apply to take the test to become a registered architect, you have to have experience. What used to be called the Intern Development Program (IDP) is now the Architectural Experience Programâ⠢ or AXPâ⠢.à A beginning professional needs 3,740 hours of experience before earning a professional license. AXP certification is a requirement for initial registration to sit for the licensing exams. These required hours are associated with nearly 100 tasksà - for example, Review shop drawings and submittals during construction for conformance with design intent. How do you log experience?à Now theres an app for thatà - My AXP App. How does NCARB help? Architecture firms are businesses and not schools - professional hours are best spent doing the business of architecture along with training new hires. NCARB helps the new graduate transition from being a student to becoming a professional without using some of a firms billable hours. Dr. Lee Waldrep, author of the Becoming an Architect book series, explains the value of this program when it was called IDP: In a recent discussion with an intern-architect a few years out of school, she confessed that while architecture school prepared her to think and design, it did not sufficiently prepare her to work in an architectural office. She further admitted that IDP, with its training areas, simply lists out what you need to do. Step 3: Licensing Exams In the United States and Canada, architects must take and pass the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) to receive a professional license in architecture. The ARE exams are rigorous - some students take extra coursework to prepare. A new set of exams, ARE 5.0, was implemented in November 2016. Although the tests are completely online, you cannot use your own computer. NCARB, the licensing organization that creates the test questions, works with Prometric test centers who administers the exams. Study for and taking the exams are usually accomplished during the AXP experience-gathering phase of a professional career. This can be the most stressful part of the process of becoming an architect - generally, youre not getting paid very much (because you are not a peak contributor to the architecture firm), preparing and taking exams is stressful, and all this comes at a time when your personal life is also in transition. Remember, however, that you are not the first person to go thro ugh these times. Step 4: Building a Profession After completing the ARE, some early-career professionals find jobs at the same firms where they first gained experience. Others seek employment elsewhere, sometimes in careers that are peripheral to architecture itself. Some architects start their own small firms after licensure. They may go it alone or team up with ex-classmates or co-workers. A strong career network will pave the way toward success. Many architects begin their careers in the public sector. State, local, and federal governments all hire architects. Generally, the jobs (and incomes) are stable, control and creativity may be limited, but your personal life that may have been put on hold can be reawakened. Lastly, its important to remember that many successful architects dont come into their own until they are into their 60s. When most people are set to retire, the architect is just beginning. Be in it for the long haul. Summary: Becoming an Architect Stage One: Complete an accredited professional architecture program at the undergranduate or graduate levelStage Two: On-the-job experienceStage Three: Pass the licensing exams - only then can you call yourself an architect.Stage Four: Follow your dream Sources Externships, LSU College of Art Design, [accessed April 29, 2016]History of the AXP,à National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, [accessed May 31, 2018]Architectural Experience Program Guidelines, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, PDF at [accessed May 31, 2018]Becoming an Architect by Lee W. Waldrep, Wiley Sons, 2006, p. 195
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Idealism in the Knights Tale
Idealism in the story of Cavalier The life of the chivalry of the gentleman is celebrated, but the story of Cavalier has proved to be more than a tragic romantic story with a happy ending. With such a dress, you can explore the trivial world of aristocracy at the time. Here, the substance is replaced by the appearance, reality replaces the classic of disillusionment, and emotions are sacrificed as honor. The innocent idealism became the main feature of seemingly perfect knights, and as a reader we were asked to identify the influence of this unique quality on the entire story. The story of Cavaliers in the Canterbury story of Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the 22 Canterbury collections by the famous British writer Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400). To summarize the story, Joe began writing in 1386 and plans to complete it in his life Each story has various roles in medieval plots as well as interesting dramatic interactions hold. Completed by 1400. Canterbury story: In the first part, Geoffre y Chaucer will introduce all the characters involved in this fictional journey. One of the more interesting characters included in this introduction is the Cavaliers. Joe was originally called Cavalier the best man, in fact, his knight's sketch is very complementary. In this article we compare Joe's ideal knight with his contemporary equivalent knight. Joe, Joe said that there are excellent horses in the Cavaliers, But he is not wearing gorgeous clothes. Knights of the Canterbury story of Geoffrey Chaucer, Nostalgia, Priorres, monks, monks are defined by the setting of the Canterbury story in Geoffrey Chaucer's Prologue. 1. Portoy is a commentary by Jojo and states as follows. The general prologue is like a mirror, reflecting that person's appearance and defining the character of that person. (281) Scanno supported Potnoy in his speculative article The explanation of that character inevitably appears in the original intention of Joe's text or reflects its persistent value (128) 3.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Job Analysis (human Resource ) staffing class Assignment
Job Analysis (human Resource ) staffing class - Assignment Example Speaking with a fast food manager personally and asking to observe their daily routine and interactions with fellow employees would be a valuable way to figure out the job requirements and rewards for this particular job. Prior knowledge would vary from person to person and some will have a greater pool to pull from than others. Those that do not have a sufficient background in this area could seek out newspaper articles, documentaries, and books in order to fill in the blanks for the areas that they are less knowledgeable in. Section 3: The Sources Used Sources are another important aspect in conducting a job requirement or job rewards analysis. I used supervisors, job analysts, and Subject Matter Experts(SME) for the analysis of a fast food manager. The job analysts and SMEââ¬â¢s are helpful as they are able to confirm the information that I have gathered thus far and correct any information that is not accurate. Similarly, speaking with fast food supervisors is a good way to fi nd out what is expected of potential employees that are seeking out a managerial position. Knowing these expectations provides invaluable background knowledge another layer to the analysis of job requirements or expectations.
ICT Effect on Teaching Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
ICT Effect on Teaching - Term Paper Example Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an umbrella name that covers a range of applications and devices used for collection, analyzing, storage, retrieval, processing and transmission of information for instance radio, computer hardware and software, television, satellite systems, video conferencing software, and cell phones. These applications and devices have played a big role in how various sectors perform their functions due to their ability to improve communication, assessment of objects while reducing the time taken to achieve desired results. The modern ICT usage has been a driving force in the creation of a global village, which refers to the current situation where people communicate with each other across the world in real time. The importance of ICT usage in the contemporary world lies less in the technology itself than in its potential to facilitate higher levels of access to information and communication in areas that record low usage of the different technologica l applications and devices. As a consequence of the focus on access to technology, different countries have put in place special organizations.This basis for concern by relevant authorities that if not less technologically innovative areas are supported with necessary infrastructure to catch up, the continued technological advances experienced in the industrialized countries will only serve to worsen the existing situation where the economic gap between those with an ability to use technology and who do not have been rising.
1- Web API & 2- Rich Interface Technologies Essay
1- Web API & 2- Rich Interface Technologies - Essay Example Some of the factors that have fueled the growth of web APIs have also been contributed by the growth of mobile (Gosnell, 2005) devices and the need to distribute services across multiple platforms. This has been through development of web based applications that support sharing of data such as photos, geographical mapping and even online payment services. Business found using APIs have found that they ultimately increase their customer and partner reach by more than 70%. This is attributed to the ease in which businesses make connections as well as the fact by which companies ability to open up their services to more platforms and devices is improved. It can also be said that the use of web APIââ¬â¢S have resulted in increased traffic and service use by participant entities. This has been attributed to a more that 60% increase in the use of Web services to companies. The creation and adoption of Web API has also seen the improvements of developerââ¬â¢s productivity that has greatly impacted on innovation. For instance the integration of email services with social media companies has highlighted but a few of these innovations. The use of web APIs have not gone without the challenges that come about with risk of attacks. Considering the fact that web APIs have often involved the use and integration of data, this has attracted attackers (Halper et al., 2011) to access privileged data either through SQL injection or XML attacks that have greatly compromised on the stability of web APIs as in most cases there operation are challenges due compromised latency handling of data. Evaluating web API from a business point of view it would be correct to point out that many business organizations and companies have realized that they can no longer expect to connect with a sufficient number (Halper et al., 2011) of customers only through a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Marketing Mix Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Marketing Mix - Research Paper Example This paper will describe the four Ps in the marketing mix for Sun Chips by Pepsi Company. The product is one of the critical elements of the marketing mix. It places emphasis on the product design and how it meets the needs of the customers. With increasing competition in the business world, companies focus on unique product designs with features that appeal to the customers. The Pepsi Company has relied on innovation to make healthy products that are environmentally friendly as well. Moreover, the Sun Chips are unique because they are made from corn and wheat using the solar energy. The fact that the Sun Chips define a healthy snack available for many Americans makes it a preferred product by customers who are aware of their healthy eating needs. Notably, the Sun Chips pack its products in bags of a material that decomposes easily (Ferrell and Hartline 61). This exhibits the companyââ¬â¢s commitment to environmental sustainability. Since Pepsiââ¬â¢s Sun Chips are as general foods, they are available in retail shops in different states. The availability of the product in close proximity to the customers is an advantage for the company. This is because customers in need of the product can purchase it at once at the nearest retailer shops. Moreover, customers can interact with the sales and the marketing team on the companyââ¬â¢s website. However, this is convenient for wholesale buyers who need the product in bulk. The company owns its distribution channels, a factor that ensures that it has en evident control over the availability of its products in different stores (68). The Pepsi Company as relied on television advertising for a long time. However, it seems to be embracing technology by venturing into e-marketing as well as online promotions available at the companyââ¬â¢s web site. This ensures that more people are aware of the companyââ¬â¢s products a factor that is likely to increase sales. Effective promotion is of critical importance in an effort to
State of African Americans in the United States Early 1900's Essay
State of African Americans in the United States Early 1900's - Essay Example The Afro-Americans political experience can be explained by social injustices and liberals which forsake other elements of its past liberal which Dunn (1998) explains that it is what made America what it has become today. For example, labor movements, Rooseveltââ¬â¢s trust busting, and Johnson Great Society, as well as other civil studies that took place in America back in 1920. Looking back at Afro-American history, it becomes obvious that its social issues drove the electorate of the country through out the 20th century. However, the most important thing to understand is that the social issues shifted to various forms of parties and because of these, the countryââ¬â¢s social electorate changed its economic platform. Some of them were slaves who served in rich white men land. However, historical figures like Washington educational legacy helped transform the condition of Afro-Americans in the twenty first century, and transformed them into liberal thinking and conservative bla ck towards their economic success. Mathew (2006) asserts that Washington was a supporter of Afro-Americans education, who helped broaden their minds to a culture that included classics and Latin exploration. He had planned for their education in order to ensure that they had economic success and status. The legal rights in the South have changed over the past 30 years, especially from the time of Civil war to today. For example, the social conservatism helped in shaping American politics. Washington and Fonvielle helped the Afro-Americans in changing their legal rights by advocating for equal rights to each American citizen (Rubel, 2005). This kind of proclamation emancipation helped the African Americans to unite with the army in order to make a rapid progress like the white soldiers. The army tried to change the mind of their citizens as well as influence the legislative in terms of their legal rights. Additionally, from the time of civil war to today, Democratic Party was seen as a party of South. The party having being termed as common-manââ¬â¢ party, it is said to have favored the working class in terms of economic matters (Rubel, 2005).The south was therefore, a democratic region, but when it shifted its gear to republican, the economic implications changed. This is because, when blacks got the right to vote, they voted for the Republican Party because of Lincoln who was reconstructing the South at the time. They also wanted both economic and social change, for example, capitalism. and liberalism. The significance of the recent movement of Afro-Americans from South to North showed that there is free movement of people from one place to another, Rubel (2005). After the civil war, the South were still farmers, where the Democratic Party represented them. The movement of the South to North was mostly to escape from the slavery bonds and therefore, decided to move to the Free states. This was as a result of the Abolitionists like Washingtonââ¬â¢s and F rontier advocacy who were working underground to guide the Afro-Americans into freedom. However, during the reconstruction, America struggled to free the slaves and assimilate them into local and national communities, at the same time minimize those citizens who were not willing to help the African- Americans. The Washington, Frontiers and other supporters of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
1- Web API & 2- Rich Interface Technologies Essay
1- Web API & 2- Rich Interface Technologies - Essay Example Some of the factors that have fueled the growth of web APIs have also been contributed by the growth of mobile (Gosnell, 2005) devices and the need to distribute services across multiple platforms. This has been through development of web based applications that support sharing of data such as photos, geographical mapping and even online payment services. Business found using APIs have found that they ultimately increase their customer and partner reach by more than 70%. This is attributed to the ease in which businesses make connections as well as the fact by which companies ability to open up their services to more platforms and devices is improved. It can also be said that the use of web APIââ¬â¢S have resulted in increased traffic and service use by participant entities. This has been attributed to a more that 60% increase in the use of Web services to companies. The creation and adoption of Web API has also seen the improvements of developerââ¬â¢s productivity that has greatly impacted on innovation. For instance the integration of email services with social media companies has highlighted but a few of these innovations. The use of web APIs have not gone without the challenges that come about with risk of attacks. Considering the fact that web APIs have often involved the use and integration of data, this has attracted attackers (Halper et al., 2011) to access privileged data either through SQL injection or XML attacks that have greatly compromised on the stability of web APIs as in most cases there operation are challenges due compromised latency handling of data. Evaluating web API from a business point of view it would be correct to point out that many business organizations and companies have realized that they can no longer expect to connect with a sufficient number (Halper et al., 2011) of customers only through a
State of African Americans in the United States Early 1900's Essay
State of African Americans in the United States Early 1900's - Essay Example The Afro-Americans political experience can be explained by social injustices and liberals which forsake other elements of its past liberal which Dunn (1998) explains that it is what made America what it has become today. For example, labor movements, Rooseveltââ¬â¢s trust busting, and Johnson Great Society, as well as other civil studies that took place in America back in 1920. Looking back at Afro-American history, it becomes obvious that its social issues drove the electorate of the country through out the 20th century. However, the most important thing to understand is that the social issues shifted to various forms of parties and because of these, the countryââ¬â¢s social electorate changed its economic platform. Some of them were slaves who served in rich white men land. However, historical figures like Washington educational legacy helped transform the condition of Afro-Americans in the twenty first century, and transformed them into liberal thinking and conservative bla ck towards their economic success. Mathew (2006) asserts that Washington was a supporter of Afro-Americans education, who helped broaden their minds to a culture that included classics and Latin exploration. He had planned for their education in order to ensure that they had economic success and status. The legal rights in the South have changed over the past 30 years, especially from the time of Civil war to today. For example, the social conservatism helped in shaping American politics. Washington and Fonvielle helped the Afro-Americans in changing their legal rights by advocating for equal rights to each American citizen (Rubel, 2005). This kind of proclamation emancipation helped the African Americans to unite with the army in order to make a rapid progress like the white soldiers. The army tried to change the mind of their citizens as well as influence the legislative in terms of their legal rights. Additionally, from the time of civil war to today, Democratic Party was seen as a party of South. The party having being termed as common-manââ¬â¢ party, it is said to have favored the working class in terms of economic matters (Rubel, 2005).The south was therefore, a democratic region, but when it shifted its gear to republican, the economic implications changed. This is because, when blacks got the right to vote, they voted for the Republican Party because of Lincoln who was reconstructing the South at the time. They also wanted both economic and social change, for example, capitalism. and liberalism. The significance of the recent movement of Afro-Americans from South to North showed that there is free movement of people from one place to another, Rubel (2005). After the civil war, the South were still farmers, where the Democratic Party represented them. The movement of the South to North was mostly to escape from the slavery bonds and therefore, decided to move to the Free states. This was as a result of the Abolitionists like Washingtonââ¬â¢s and F rontier advocacy who were working underground to guide the Afro-Americans into freedom. However, during the reconstruction, America struggled to free the slaves and assimilate them into local and national communities, at the same time minimize those citizens who were not willing to help the African- Americans. The Washington, Frontiers and other supporters of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Political Order Essay Example for Free
Political Order Essay poTop 20 (+1) List of Political Ideologies You Should Know For APUSH 1. conservative ââ¬â Generally a trend to maintain a traditional stance on an issue.? For example, if one was culturally conservative in the United States, they would probably be against an issue like girls wearing 6 inch tall pink mohawks to school because it is a traditionally unacceptable hairstyle. If one were fiscally conservative, they would probably be against an excess of government taxing and spending; they would want to? be ââ¬Å"conservativeâ⬠with their money. 2.liberalism ââ¬â Only lately used as an opposite to the term conservative; historically, it means to hold individual liberties as the most important social or political goal.? For example, if one were culturally liberal, they would hold that girls could wear 6 inch tall pink mohawks to school because it is that personââ¬â¢s individual choice. If one were fiscally liberal, they would probably be for government spending on stuff like space exploration; even though it is not absolutely necessary for human survival, it is still culturally important. 3. right-wing ââ¬â Are usually people or ideas that seek to uphold or return the traditional establishment of a civil society and the preservation of the domestic culture, usually in the face of external forces for change. For example, many right-wing thinkers believe that all people in America should legally have to learn English. 4. left-wing ââ¬â Are usually people who wish to change or abolish the existing political or social order. Sometimes, under this category are people who try to promote equality in wealth and privilege. For example, many left-wing people believe that helping the poor at the expense of the rich is a good thing. 5. socialism ââ¬â A broad term for any political ideology that promotes collective ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods and services, as opposed to private ownership (like we have in the U. S. , if your dad owns a car factory, he owns it, not the government). Communism is considered socialist. Traditionally, most trade unions can be seen as socialist because the workers ââ¬Å"collectively ownâ⬠the union. Also, social security can be seen as a socialist because it is a government organized and regulated system. 6. democratic ââ¬â A system of government by which political control is retained by the people and exercised directly by citizens. Notice the little ââ¬Å"dâ⬠. This does not mean the political party. 7. republic ââ¬â A system of government by which at least some of the people have control over the government and monarchy does not exist. Notice the little ââ¬Å"râ⬠. This does not mean the political party. 8. fascism ââ¬â A system of government that is heavily authoritarian and nationalistic. 9. authoritarian ââ¬â describes a form of government that typically emphasizes the sole authority of the state in a republic or union. 10. nationalism ââ¬â A political movement which holds that a nation, usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture, has the right to constitute an independent political community based on a shared history and common destiny. 11. radicalism ââ¬â Usually denotes a drastic shift from the traditional norm, usually to an extreme. 12. libertarianism ââ¬â Usually a political philosophy which prioritize individual liberty and usually seeks to minimize the state. 13. communism ââ¬â is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of an equal, classless based on common ownership of the means of production and property in general. 14. populism ââ¬â is a political ideology which promotes the common people above or versus the privileged. 15. progressivism ââ¬â Usually seen as a political response to the Industrial Revolution, socialism, and anarchism; it is a political ideology that strives towards social justice, promotion of democracy, and government efficiency. See Progressive Party. 16. Marxism ââ¬â A specific flavor of communism derived from the writings of Karl Marx. see communism. 17. federalism (Hamiltonianism) ââ¬â Alexander Hamiltonââ¬â¢s branch of political thought that promotes a strong central government composed of weaker states. This particular flavor also includes very strong governmental intervention in economic issues. 18. Jeffersonian Republicanism ââ¬â In contrast to the above, a school of thought promoted by Thomas Jefferson that promotes states and individual rights over a strong central government. This flavor usually necessitates a virtuous populace. 19. Jacksonian Democracy ââ¬â Usually seen as a mixture of the two above, promoted by Andrew Jackson, this system sees an increase of political involvement by the ââ¬Å"common manâ⬠and an increase of the powers of a strong federal government. 20. localism ââ¬â a political or economic philosophy that prioritizes local needs over most else. Example, a city passing a law that the only tomatoes that can be sold must be grown from a local farm is considered localism. 21. anarchism ââ¬â the promotion of the abolition of all forms of government.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Organizational Change Management Theory
Organizational Change Management Theory People and Organization Management in the Built Environment Organizational Change Management Theory Introduction- To understand change in an organization, it is important to study an organization and its culture. This is because, changing an organization is nothing but changing its culture which ultimately causes change in performance. An Organization can be defined as ââ¬Å"social arrangement of consciously coordinated activities for achieving controlled performances in the pursuit of common goalsâ⬠. (Price and Chahal, 2006, p. 238) Organizational culture can be defined as ââ¬Å"characteristic, spirit and belief of an organization [â⬠¦] generally held about how people should behave and treat each other in an organization [â⬠¦] and attitudes to change.â⬠(Price and Chahal, 2006, p. 238) Depending on the market requirements, an organization is setup according to- resource allocation, production capacity, technological requirement etc. This is why organizations have to constantly change to adapt to the ever-changing market while securing the organizations perspectives. Depending on the market situation, it can be a crisis change or chosen change. Organizational change can be developmental (doing better than current situation), transitional (implementation of new desired state) or transformational (evolutionary new state). (Price and Chahal, 2006) But whether it is intended or forced, the company needs to change in order to remain competent. Change management helps resist the effect that change in the market has on an organization, increasing the importance of change management over the years. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) Changing an organizational culture affects the people involved in it in various ways like change in job profile, learning new techniques, job cut, etc. So, it becomes necessary to manage all the people involved, to successfully implement change while not disturbing the companys goal. This makes change management a complex process. Considering different orientations like planning, stake-holder management etc. change management can be defined as- A continuous aggregation of processes, instruments and techniques, to improve the efficiency of the organization in problem solving and target attainment, achieved by eliminating the causes of resistance to change, working in an organized and systematic way, from both company and employee perspectives. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) Change process: Since the whole change process is very complex, let us consider a case-study to understand it better. We will analyze it using three models of change management, after which we will attempt to draw a strategic change management framework which can be used in any organization. Our case-study will also be critically analyzed against this framework. Case-study Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA) (1990) plant at Swansea is the company under review. (Price and Chahal, 2006) Senior managers of this company realized the need to review their plant culture and processes. They presented their case to the ALCOA board at Pittsburg, USA emphasizing on the companys present and desired state. The board was convinced about the need to change. Senior managers then established a taskforce to take the responsibility of the change program. It had 12 members ranging from employees, production managers, engineers, personnel, operators and craftsman. The task force drew the following Vision Statement- ââ¬ËTo help establish ALCOA, Swansea, as a model company by developing a plant that contributes to the long-term prosperity and security of the company and its employees. (Price and Chahal, 2006, p. 245) In 1991, the taskforce drafted the internal document comprising of some important elements and strategies including vision, need to change, benefits, critical factors, resistance, etc. The ââ¬Ëplan to overcome resistance was: ââ¬Å"[] we must go forward and improve or cease to do businessâ⬠. (Price and Chahal, 2006, p. 245) The taskforce reviewed and changed their manufacturing processes and procedures by benchmarking with other companies like ALCOA Tennessee, Cadburys etc. They observed no initial resistance while implementing new processes and procedures. But, later they noticed some symptoms like reduced productivity and they observed the reasons, as employee aspects like working practices, multi-tasking, pay, arising because of the old structure of organization having seniority and unionized systems. To overcome this, the workforce appointed a new team, which developed a system by analyzing the organizations present and desired state. They changed the working philosophy of the plant workforce and the basis for remuneration. They conducted a series of workshop trainings for the entire workforce. Though this entire process was difficult, they observed improved performance at the start of 2000. They were very close to their targets. The new reduced workforce was highly committed and motivated. But afte r all this success, ALCOA Swansea unexpectedly closed down in 2003. The senior management blamed overcapacity and slow market growth for failure. (Price and Chahal, 2006) Analysis: Although the senior management blamed overcapacity and slow market growth, it clearly indicates that they failed to analyze the market and adjust to it by aggressive marketing, necessary lay-offs etc. To understand the reasons for the failure, we will analyze the case-study using three models viz. The Leavitts Model (1965), Weisbords six-boxes (1976), McKinsey 7S Framework (1981-82). Leavitts Model: Leavitt focused on four variables in the organization, their interdependence and their influence on the change process. The variables considered are- * Task and subtasks- Those which are involved in achieving the target. * People- Who carry out the task. * Technology- Which is adapted to achieve the task. * Structure of the organization- In terms of authority, communication, workflow etc. Interlinking of the variables suggests that this is an interactive and continuous process. He did not take external factors into account. (Falletta, 2005) In our case-study, the first factor to vary was ââ¬ËTask. Change managers decided to change the companys plant culture and processes. Then they appointed a workforce, so the second variable changed was ââ¬ËPeople. Then ââ¬ËTechnology and ââ¬ËStructure changed as a result of the changed plant processes and procedures that is change in the working philosophy and remuneration. But later on, an outbreak of resistance demanded a change in the human variable as well as the Structure. This resulted in the creation of a new highly motivated workforce. This increased the companys productivity and changed the sub-task, which was to win enough projects for the workforce to keep them motivated and achieve the ââ¬Ëvision. But, the senior management was not a part of the task force and became an external factor leading to ignorance of vital marketing function. Considering the slow market growth, the change managers could have changed either ââ¬ËTechnology or ââ¬ËPeople variabl e; that is they could have sold some machinery or reduced the workforce to achieve the desired productivity. Ignorance of all these resulted in failure of the change process and ultimately company closure. Weisbords six-boxes: Weisbord considered six broad categories as shown above. When compared with Leavitts model, there are three different factors considered- * Relationship- The way in which people interact with each other and with the technology. * Rewards- Given to workforce for performance. * Leadership- Common leadership tasks including the equilibrium between the other factors. External environment is also considered in this model unlike Levitts model. It also tells us about the importance of input and output in relation to the external and internal environments. It does not highlight much on interconnectivity of all the internal factors (Falletta, 2005). In our case study, Relationship between the team was maintained well, making it highly motivated. Relationship between people and technology was also maintained which was achieved through training. Provision for rewards was made by changing the basis for remuneration. But, the Leadership failed. This is because of the failure to analyze the balance between external and internal inputs and outputs like reduced market growth, less productivity and profitability. This may be the result of lack of co-ordination between senior and junior management and non inclusion of senior management in the task force. When the junior managers observed lesser productivity than expected, senior managers should have made an attempt to get more jobs by aggressive marketing or should have reduced the manpower. The ââ¬Ëvision was partially achieved. Though they tried to achieve employee security by retaining them, the companys perspective of long term prosperity and security was not achieved and the proc ess failed. McKinsey 7S Framework: This model was drawn by the employees at McKinsey, who did corresponding research in business and industry. It considers seven variables which are- * Strategy- The plan in allocating resources to achieve the target. * Systems- Existing processes followed in the organization. * Staff-Different categories of personnel. * Skills- Different capabilities. * Style- How key managers behave to achieve the goal. * Shared value- The significant guiding concepts common among the organization. The interconnectivity between these is shown by the shape of the model. The author advises that the company cannot just change one or two variables to change the whole organization. In order to achieve long term benefit, variables should be changed to become more congruent as a system, suggesting that change is a continuous process. It does not consider external environment. The concept of the performance or effectiveness is not clear in the model. (Falletta, 2005) In our case-study, Shared values are the ââ¬Ëvision statement as this is the common goal of all the employees. Skills were as per the requirement of the change process which was achieved through training. Production Systems were as per requirements, but Financial Systems needed more check on productivity and profitability. Staff and Style failed because of lack of coordination between senior and junior managers due to non-inclusion of the senior management in the task force, making them an external factor. As a result, they were unable to establish system to take care of shared values. Strategy failed as the company did not allocate more staff in marketing team, while production team needed lay-off. Hence, the vision was not achieved and company closed down. Strategic framework of Change management We will draw a six step strategic framework to help implement change in any organization. We will also analyze our case study using this framework. The main distinguishing characteristic of this framework is, that it considers the detailed role of all those involved in the change management process. 1. Preparing the organization This initiates the thought process. The first step is to study the organizations present state to determine its change capacity to have a realistic vision. Studying the organizations present routines gives an understanding of how the organization operates which guides about its performance in a specific routine. This will again strengthen the understanding of organizational operations and will guide about relevant performance. (Feldman, 2003, p. 729) Change managers then interact with different stakeholders to understand the need to change to achieve the right purpose and agree on the organizations desired state, considering internal and external drivers of change. This helps managers list out broad types of cultural and technological changes required. This is then conveyed to the entire workforce along with the benefits the company and employees would get through the change. This helps win their confidence and make them feel secured and involved. Care is taken not to convey informat ion about a specific group or individual to avoid the feeling of mistrust amongst the whole organization. (Price and Chahal, 2006) In our case study, this step was implemented effectively. Organizational analysis for present and future state was done perfectly and it was conveyed to people in such a way that everybody was convinced about the need to change. 2. Developing the process Vision is the guiding statement of the change process which relates the companys ultimate goal, making it the most important step of the change management process. The vision and objectives should be realistic and clear. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) Change managers first decide three groups viz. implementation team, range of stakeholders and workforce. Feedback from step one is analyzed and used as the basis to find out different change strategies. All these strategies are then evaluated against certain questions which are * Does the option have a clear perspective and a systematic approach? * Does the option support organizational or personal goals? * Were all the working environments and source perspectives considered? (Price and Chahal, 2006) Different change strategies analyzed above are again brainstormed and evaluated within the group and a final strategic process is decided which can even be the combination of some of the options evaluated. Finally a working document is drafted. Different sections in the draft include- Background, Vision, Goal, Objectives, Design, Implementation plan, Timescales, etc. (Price and Chahal, 2006) Implementation plan should include important aspects like cultural development, employee mobilization, knowledge management, incentive systems, transformation map, and stakeholder management. It is observed that 10% to 30% of companies fail to plan for this. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) Cost-benefit analysis is a very important aspect of change. Every change costs something which can be categorized as economic and psychological. Economic cost is related to expenditure incurred, while psychological cost is the strain caused when people try to adjust to the change. (Newstrom and Davis, 2000) So this cost-benefit analysis is required to determine the worthiness of change. Only 40% of the companies think that cost-benefit analysis is a must because all activities are investments that must pay off in the end. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) In our case study, the vision statement was well written and the implementation plan was fairly drawn. But they failed to apply the Cost-benefit analysis at the right time and could not recognize that their resources were over assigned. Also, they failed to plan for the changing market situation, therefore could not adjust to the market growth. 3. Test support This is the phase before the final planning stage. Once the strategic process is decided, management ensures that the team is still enthusiastic about the plan. This is the last opportunity to review all the documentation and accommodate any last minute developments before the actual implementation. This stage confirms the decision about the strategic process. (Newstrom and Davis, 2000) In our case study, this step was either not taken or not mentioned in the article. But, it ultimately did not affect the process. 4. Communication Successful communication of vision and objectives at the right time, to the stakeholders and the people affected by the change is the key to success. In order to link strategic and operational change, it is necessary to communicate it ending on a warning. (Whipp and Pettigrew, 1992) Implementation team should identify the effect change has on the groups as well as on the individuals. While assigning new jobs, they should try to cooperate with the employees to the highest degree possible and make them feel involved. ââ¬Å"When people think about what actions they are to take in an organizational routine, they are not confined to thinking about performances of the routine they are enacting but may think broadly about a wide variety of organizational performancesâ⬠. (Feldman, 2003, p. 729) Change managers need to be proactive in reducing the amount of resistance by having the ââ¬Ëplan to overcome resistance ready. (Price and Chahal, 2006) Personal communication, conflict management, leadership development and team building are the most important aspects of effective communication. Retention management is the most overlooked aspect observed in nearly 50% of the companies. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) In our case study, communication with employees ended on a warning note as given in the plan to overcome resistance. Change was communicated successfully and the managers cooperated with the workforce resulting in successful restructuring of the organization; correcting all the defects. 5. Implementation This is a crucial phase of the process. Change managers follow the implementation plan and continue to do so till the end. If not done properly, there is a great risk of encountering resistance which can be recognized through symptoms like reduced productivity, gossips/rumors, etc. When recognized, its source needs to be identified and treated according to the ââ¬Ëplan to overcome resistance drawn at step 4. (Price and Chahal, 2006) There are some common implementation barriers observed, such as- too many activities without prioritization, no sustained monitoring of activities (observed in more than 40% of the companies). Other barriers are- constant reorganizations of the company, inadequate support from line management, inadequate readiness to take responsibility etc. (Cap Gemini Ernst Young, 2004) In our case study, implementation of the plan was successful in the beginning. When they observed resistance, they took necessary action against it. But it was not followed till the end. The plan was to increase the productivity. When the market slowed down, necessary action should have been taken like workforce reduction or aggressive marketing to bring sufficient jobs for the highly motivated workforce. 6. Evaluation Change managers can evaluate the effectiveness of the process using Key Performance Indicators, at any stage of implementation. Generally, planning engineer or implementation team is not involved because of the obvious vested interests. Middle management can do it better, with unbiased views. This can be done with process inspections and audits. New processes can be reviewed and compared with the chosen process. After doing so, if any problem is identified, necessary adjustments need to be made to the process; this can be repeated several times. This continues and the process becomes a driver for the next change. (Price and Chahal, 2006) In our case study, this step was almost neglected by the change managers. They either failed to analyze the less productivity resulting from the slow market growth or failed to incorporate necessary changes in the process to achieve the vision. Conclusion: Change management is a very complex process because of the different factors involved in it. Though there is no globally accepted model, we can use different models in the same situation. Some models are easier to use, while others need more critical analysis according to the situation. It depends on the change manager to adapt a certain process. If all the steps are followed through, keeping the vision in mind, we can successfully implement change. Otherwise it can be as disastrous as company closure.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Summary of A Separate Peace by John Knowles Essay examples -- A Separa
Summary of A Separate Peace by John Knowles As the novel opens, Gene Forrester returns to Devon, the New Hampshire boarding school he attended during World War II. Gene has not seen Devon for 15 years, and so he notices the ways in which the school has changed since he was a student there. Strangely, the school seems newer, but perhaps, he thinks, the buildings are just better taken care of now that the war is over. Gene walks through the campus on a bleak, rainy November afternoon, revisiting the buildings and fields he remembersââ¬âand especially two places he recalls as ââ¬Å"fearful sites.â⬠At the First Academic Building, he enters the foyer to look closely at the white marble steps. Then he trudges across the playing fields to the river in search of a particular tree and finally recognizes it by its long limb over the water and the scars on its trunk. The tree, he thinks, is smaller than he remembers. The chapter section ends with Gene heading back to shelter through the rain. The second section opens during the summer of 1942 when Gene is 16. He is attending a special Summer Session at Devon, designed to speed up education to prepare the boys for the military draft in their senior year. Gene stands at the same tree with his best friend and roommate, Phineas (nicknamed Finny), and three other boys, Elwin Lepellier (Leper), Chet Douglass, and Bobby Zane. The tree seems enormous to Gene, but Finny suddenly decides to climb it and jump into the river, just like the Devon 17 year olds, who are training for military service. Finny jumps and dares Gene to follow. Against his better judgment, Gene climbs the tree and also jumps, but the three others refuse. . The shared danger of jumping brings Finny and Gene closer. While the rest of the boys hurry ahead at the sound of the bell for dinner, the roommates playfully wrestle until they are late for the meal. They slip into the dormitory, where they read their English assignments and play their radio (against school rules), until it is time for bed. Ch 2 The morning after the boys first jump from the tree, Mr. Prudââ¬â¢homme, a substitute Master for the summer, scolds Gene and Finny for missing dinner. Finny tells Mr. Prudââ¬â¢homme that they were late because they were jumping out of the tree to prepare for military serviceââ¬âa far-fetched excuse he weaves into a long, funny explanation. Finnyââ¬â¢s friendly chatter c... ...e he prefers. Gene explains that he is planning to join the Navy in order to avoid being drafted into the infantry, while Brinker, too, has made a careful choice, deciding on the relative safety of the Coast Guard. This disgusts Mr. Hadley, who urges them to think about how their military service will sound when they talk about it in the future. The safest choice may not be the wisest choice in the long run, he explains. Afterward, Brinker complains of his fatherââ¬â¢s hearty enthusiasm for war service, especially since the older generation will not face any risk in the war that Brinker insists they caused. Brinkerââ¬â¢s thinking reminds Gene of Finnyââ¬â¢s theory about the fake-war conspiracy of ââ¬Å"fat old men.â⬠But for himself, Gene decides that the war arose from something ââ¬Å"ignorantâ⬠within humanity itself. As Gene empties his locker to leave Devon for military service, he thinks of Finny and their friendship, which still remains a vital part of his life. Later, from his adult perspective, Gene believes that his war actually ended before he ever entered military service. He sees now that he killed his ââ¬Å"enemyâ⬠at Devon, while Finny, always unique, never saw anyone or anything as his enemy.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Supply and Demand Essay -- Economy Economics Supply Demand Essays
Supply and Demand Every organisation which provides goods or services to fee paying customers must, by its very nature, charge price for that good or service, to pay for its costs, have retained profits for investments and to keep its shareholders happy. In theory, the market price of any good or service is determined by the interaction of forces of demand and supply. There is an old saying, that ?if you can teach a parrot to say ?demand? and ?supply? you have created a trained economist.?1 There is some truth to this saying as most problems in the economics can be examined by applying the rules of demand and supply. Therefore, the concepts of demand and supply can be claimed to be among the most important in economics. In order to understand either of them it is necessary to examine the factors that determine them. Although, a good?s price relative to other goods is probably the most important factor influencing demand for most goods most of the time, there are other factors as well. These are disposable income, the price of complimentary goods and substitutes, tastes and preferences, expectations, size of population, advertising. Suppliers on the other hand are interested in making profits, and thus anything that affects profitability affects the supply. These include the price of other products, costs, technology and goals of firms. a) The price of any product is determined by the interaction of the forces of demand and supply. The market price is set at the point, where demand equals supply, equilibrium. This can be seen from figure 1. For the purpose of this essay we will look at the prices of beer. We can see that, the price is set at 1.65, where D intersects S. Fig. 1 The Penguin dictionary of economics defines demand as ?the desire for a particular good or service supported by the possession of the necessary means of exchange to effect ownership?, while supply is defined as:? the quantity of a good or service available for sale at any given price?2. When an economist refers to the demand for a product he means effective demand, which may be defined as ?the quantity of the commodity, which will be demanded at any given price over some given period of time.?3 However, the price of the good or service varies according to the changes in either demand or supply. In order to show that it is necessary to... under?, if their shareholders are not satisfied they will sell shares and the company will be vulnerable to take-over bids. In conclusion, it can be seen that the principles of demand and supply have a theoretical influence on price determination. The theory provides a useful and simple tool in determining the price of a product by the means of demand and supply, an equilibrium price. However, the theoretic approach, uses many assumptions, which limit the application of theory to the real business environment. It is useful for academic purposes, while it is difficult to imagine that actual businesses will follow it in the business planning process. It is also difficult to use it as the theory assumes the perfect market, which does not exist, with few exceptions, newsagents being one of these. In other forms of competition firms would base pricing decisions on expected decisions of their rivals (oligopoly), or would decide by themselves taking into account only their needs (monopoly). Thus, it can be concluded that companies would adopt their pricing policy on the environment they operate in, probably without even using the theory of demand and supply.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Behaviorist description of depression Essay
The behavioral perspective of depression links the disorder to a deficit of positive reinforcements in oneââ¬â¢s life. This lack of reinforcement results in the decline of constructive behavior, which in turn results in depression. Behaviorists posit that a person suffering from depression can develop a plan of action to replenish the deficit of positive reinforcement through the cooperation of family, friends and the therapist. In other words, according to behaviorists, the patientââ¬â¢s inability to cope with life stress leads to social withdrawal, which reduces the rate of positive reinforcements, which then results in depression. The belief that a person suffering from depression can behave him- or herself out of it is both appealing and troublesome. The benefits of constructive activity notwithstanding, dependence on others for positive reinforcement could result in depression that waxes and wanes in direct proportion to the presence or absence of external stimuli. The danger inherent is this view is of placing too strong a focus on those external reinforcements. A patient who places conditions of worth on his or her actions may be convinced that others will never be in a state of approval of those actions. Such a patient may benefit more greatly from a cognitive therapy that addresses his or her maladaptive thinking patterns and self-deprecating automatic thoughts. It is the therapistââ¬â¢s responsibility to assess the most effective treatment based on the patientââ¬â¢s individual profile. The specific therapeutic approach must be tailored to the patentââ¬â¢s needs and capabilities. If the patient requires guidance to change maladaptive thinking, then a plan to simply change behavior is doomed to fail. The behaviorist perspective can also be interpreted as placing responsibility for depression squarely on the shoulders of the patient. Encouragement (of the patient to take charge of his or her own recovery by changing the nature of his or her personal relationships) can be effective with a strong-willed person who is committed to recovery. By helping to develop a plan of action and monitoring its success and opportunities for improvement, the behavioral therapist maintains at once a reliable presence at a respectful distance. The patientââ¬â¢s relationships are also important factors in depression that must be addressed to treat depression; ergo behavioral therapy must tackle negativity in that facet of the patientââ¬â¢s life. The therapist must assess the overall relationship dynamic and any negative patterns of communication between the patient and his or her most significant others. Ideally, a behavioral therapist has evaluated the patient and hypothesized that he or she will benefit from changing behavioral patterns. The therapist patient will then work closely with the patient to assess the nature of his or her innate behavioral patterns to determine which are constructive and which detract from his or her impression of positive reinforcement. Classical conditioning is not suited for this task but modeling and shaping may be effective. Operant conditioning, by definition, is the order of the day. The patient will receive continuous positive reinforcement for behaviors that combat his or her depression, while those that feed the depression will become extinct.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim stands among the seminal classical theorists of sociology such as Karl Marx, Max Webber and Ferdinand Tonnies (Morrison, 2006). At a time where the subject of sociology itself was in its stages of infancy in universities, Durkheimââ¬â¢s contribution is described as the foundation for what we recognize today as social sciences (Morrison, 2006).Though he never considered himself a ââ¬Ësociologistââ¬â¢, Durkheimââ¬â¢s theoretical perspectives and social concerns were profound and comprehensive, straddling aspects of à religion, education, economics, law, psychology, ethics, philosophy, and theology. Among his central attention were regarding the aspects of Gemenshaft and Geselshaft: how societies were able to function and be efficient as they progressed into modernization when shared religion, culture and ethnic background seemed to deteriorate in tandem as they develop (Giddens, 1971).Durkheim borrowed August Comteââ¬â¢s social analysis where he deconstr ucted society into several parts and described each piece as playing a significant role in keeping the community alive and healthy, much like how each limb and organ throughout our bodies co-exist with one another. For one component to deteriorate or malfunction, the whole system would be affected. He then compounded the Gemenshaft theory with ââ¬Å"social factsâ⬠as he moved towards Geselshaft, a term he coined to describe how each component had ââ¬Å"an independent existence greater and more objective than the actions of the individuals that composed societyâ⬠(Giddens, 1971).His predecessors like Tonnies hypothesized that we all have a purpose to and for each other that motivates us to co-exists, like a barter system, with the exception that humans are the commodities. For Durkheim, the ââ¬Å"collective consciousnessâ⬠that underlies a traditional society changes to ââ¬Å"individual consciousnessâ⬠in a modern society as a result of division of labor. Henc e, the simplicity, complacency and structured moderation that gelled people together peacefully slowly dissipates as it becomes complex with different specialization in employment and social roles (Poggi, 2000).Needless to say, Durkheim broke the mold of looking at Comteââ¬â¢s society as a simple family where there was no conflict, confusion and ââ¬Å"anomaliesâ⬠among its members. It is through these anomalies, or social problems, that we create forms of deviant behavior, most notably, suicide (Poggi, 2000). In a nutshell, the more progressive or ââ¬Å"organicâ⬠we become, the more social problems are created called anomalies. And these anomalies are the diseases that corrupt who we are that can eventually tip us over the edge with suicide.Since young, Durkheim was notably a hard-working, studious and scholarly individual.à He was born on April 15 1858 in Lorraine, France into a family of devout Jews. His father and forefathers were all rabbis, yet since young, Du rkheim knew he was not to follow suit (Poggi, 2000). He took an alternative path into the secular movement holding on to a belief that even the role of religious phenomena in society had its roots in social understanding rather than a higher, ethereal Being or Divine intervention (Poggi, 2000). His religious deviation could be due to the insurgence of Marxist politics that were sweeping Europe as repercussions of the French Revolution and Prussian War (Poggi, 2000). Nonetheless, the backbone of all his work was influenced by his familyââ¬â¢s religious upbringing though they may not be distinct.At college, Durkheim grew a reputation for being obnoxious. Though he won many accolades upon entering Ãâ°cole Normale Supà ©rieure in 1879 his lecturers did not think much of him unlike his peers: Henri Bergson, Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges and Jean Jaurà ¨s, the latter who later became Durkheimââ¬â¢s closest friend (Giddens, 1971).Politics at the time made Durkheim a staunch soci alist. Tensions of the Franco-Prussian war, the siege of Paris and a new republican government overturned many changes intellectually for scholars throughout Europe, including Durkheim (Morrison, 2006). In America, tensions were also arising from the civil war between the Union and the eleven southern states led by President Lincoln (Morrison, 2006). It is interesting to point out that as Durkheim germinated a keen observation for social studies and social deviant behavior, America was experiencing the booming explosion of migration from all over Europe (Mclaughlin, 1990) due to the political instability.Despite Americaââ¬â¢s own civil conflicts, North America was becoming the goal destination for transatlantic migration. With its rapid influx of racial and cultural assimilation from Africa, South Americas through to Ireland, Durkheimââ¬â¢s work were soon to be seminal and timely in analyzing the social discrepancies that were to befall the new melting pot America (Mclaughlin, 1990). Soon, the country, under the leadership of President William McKinley at the turn of 1890, was experiencing the very problems Durkheim and his peers were scientifically trying to prove in rapidly developing organic societies. America was undergoing what sociologists describe as ââ¬Å"transplanted networksâ⬠ââ¬â foreign cultures taken out of its roots and transplanted amongst each other in a new climate allowing the plurality to blend into a concoction of some sort (Mclaughlin, 1990).For most Americans, immigration had caused an acute problem: the loss of the true ââ¬Å"Americanâ⬠identity. America was not just having problems with cultural diversity, but also color diversity. Racial inequality was also due to color division. Though the civil wars had removed the term slavery from its context, the stigma, prejudice and discrimination among the African American and the whites continued to persist, causing an over-layering of marginality on top of the European migration (Mclaughlin, 1990). This racial division soon led to insufficiency and inequality in opportunities leading to so many social anomalies (Mclaughlin, 1990). Considering the fact that Durkheim never set foot in America, it is ironic that America was to become the perfect guinea pig of a society for his all future analyses.As more Europeans fled to America, Durkheim grew increasingly nationalistic for a weakened France but left for Germany for a year. His return brought new inspiration. He helped to revolutionize the secular education by introducing social science as a teacher in pedagogy and reforming the French school system (Giddens, 1971). A slew of famous accomplishments came after: in 1893 he wrote The Division of Labor in Society, in 1895 he finished Rules of the Sociological Method and founded the first European Department of Sociology at the University of Bordeaux, in 1896 founded the journal L'Annà ©e Sociologique, and in 1897 published Suicide (Morrison, 2006).For a man of his astounding contribution, scholastic achievement and nationalistic pride, Durkheim succumbed to a bullet much closer to his heart: the death of his son in World War I. He never recovered from his sadness and two years later in November 15 1917, Durkheim, emotionally overwhelmed and devastated, died from exhaustion.Though he died at a young age of fifty-nine, Durkheim left a legacy of social understanding that speaks in volume up till today. One of his remarkable works is his book entitled Le Suicide (1897) that argues how collective forces are instrumental determinants for suicide than individual factors. Though the book was greatly challenged by scholars and skeptics alike, Durkheimââ¬â¢s investigations warrant a legitimate space for understanding, if not comparative study (Brym and Lie, 2006).Though suicide is commonly associated with psychiatric illness, human weaknesses as an escape to lifeââ¬â¢s difficulties, or mental dysfunction due to substance abuses, Durk heim contends that it is society and its trappings that leads an individual over the edge (Edles and Appelrouth, 2004). What has been recorded such as race, heredity, psychiatric factors, etc are all ââ¬Å"peripheral factorsâ⬠, far from the nucleus of the causes. The nucleus is by not looking at suicide as an individual or isolated case, but by looking at the totality of suicide in a society: what are the factors causing people to commit suicide? Why are people committing suicide?Based on Le Suicide, one strong basis is caused by an individualââ¬â¢s poor integration into his society (Emirbayer, 2003). By not being able to fit in, one becomes a social outcast ââ¬â an anomaly ââ¬â and being left out or misplaced is what leads one to want to be completely out of the whole community, hence suicide. Another cause is when there is no moral or social integration or regulation for the individual within his society (Edles and Appelrouth, 2004). His formulation: each society has an aptitude for suicide. This is measured by taking the proportion between the total number of voluntary deaths and the population of every age and sex against its historical period (Emirbayer, 2003).Durkheim creates a linking between individual pathologies to social conditions (Edles and Appelrouth, 2004). He describes four types of suicides: egoistic, altruistic, anomic and fatalistic (Emirbayer, 2003). Egoistic suicide occurs when man finds no more purpose in life. An example is when a person lives alone or has loosened his bonds with his family, is divorced and feels disconnected with others. His sense of non-belonging and feeling non-appreciated would be the triggers that end his life (Edles and Appelrouth, 2004). It is considered the most extreme form and a natural disposition for individuals living in highly developed and modern societies.Altruistic suicide is when an individual gives his life for his group. Examples of this would be the practice of human sacrifices in ce rtain remote tribal cultures and suicide bombers.à Durkheim describes another type of suicide that stems from this extreme form of helplessness ââ¬â fatalistic suicide. Such suicide results in primitive groups or societies where the individual is rendered powerless in releasing himself from a form of oppression such as slavery or sacrificial cult.Anomic suicide happens when there is lack of moral regulation to the individual and his social group. This occurs when the individual feels morally lost and adrift, setting him apart from everyone else. He may have deviated himself from not wanting to be a part of any religion because there many to choose from, or because the religious plurality has reduced his insight on the true meaning of religion (Brym and Lie, 2006).Through Durkheimââ¬â¢s teachings, we learn that if all members of a society were anchored to common sets of symbolic representations, to common assumptions about the world around them, individuals in their social groups would feel a sense of belonging and help prevent societies from social decay and degeneration.References1.Applerouth, S. A. and Edlers, L. D. (2004). Sociological Theory in the Classical Era: Text and Readings. Thousand Oaks. Pine Forge Press2.Brym, R. J. and Lie, J. (2006). Sociology Your Campus for a New World. Australia. Thomson Wadsworth3.Emirbayer, M. (2003). Emile Durkheim Sociologist of Modernity. MA. Blackwell Publishing Ltd4.Giddens, A. 91971). Capitalism and Modern Social Theory. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press5. à Poggi, G. (2000). The Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought. Oxford. Oxford University Press6.Morrison, K. (2006). Marx, Durkheim, Weber. London. Sage Publications Inc.7. à V. Yans-Mclaughlin. (1990). Immigration Reconsidered History, Sociology and Politics. Oxford. Oxford University Press
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